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An account of life at a small sole-charge New Zealand school

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Principals Report
BOT Meeting July 27, 2004



Mainly this involved upgrading all the computers in the holidays. This was a giant hassle and a special thank-you to Holly for spending so much time getting everything up and running.

Much of what we will be doing this term revolves around acquiring and using study skills and an online activity with our ICT group for the Olympics. We will also be preparing for cross country and speeches. I will be running an ongoing but low key reading project. This is designed to extend recreational reading and to build up reading mileage. It had some very significant effects last term and so I decided to continue.

Professional Development.
There are three separate areas. The first is maths. This is both online and through courses in Inglewood. This term I am focussing on applying the programme directly to the classroom. We will be covering numeration, and addition and subtraction during the next few weeks.
The next area is ICT. This involves a WITT course for developing skills on the internet, developing the broadband connection and sharing with other schools. There is also the major i-school conference for the Mac. In addition to this we will be continuing the interactive fiction unit with Mike Whiteman. A very busy term but with lots of potential.

August-3rd Maths at Inglewood, 5th Broadband Stratford.10th Mike Whiteman visits, 12th WITT course starts in Stratford, 13th-14th I-School NewPlymouth, 16th Keith Bland maths advisor visits, 17th cross country and speeches, 31st Rachel Jafferes to visit.
At this stage we will probably have school speeches on Thursday 12th.

Richard Barnes

Monday, July 19, 2004

In the holidays i went with Adrian on the two wheeler around the sheep. Alan

In the holidays I got some playdough and a slimy ball. Cameron

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