Alan on Vimeo
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- 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
- 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
An account of life at a small sole-charge New Zealand school
Thursday, December 07, 2006

When we went on our school trip the first thing we did was go on the hydro slides. They were really fun. On day 2 we went to a museum. There was heaps of stuff in there. After that we went up Mt Tarawera. We went into a big crater. When we got back we went to the Tamaki brothers. After that we went back to our motel.
On Friday we went rafting. Dad, Aaron Cameron, Anna and Jo (other people),me and Nick our guide were in one raft. We all went in the water at least once. Some of the people on our raft jumped onto the other raft and tried to push the others off. At the end they supplied lunch for us.
We went zorbing on Thursday. We went inside a big ball and you had to dive in a hole and then they zip the hole up so you can’t fall out. Then they push you down a curvy hill or a straight hill. I had two goes and I liked the curvy one better.
The school trip was really fun.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Adventure Story
Dad Cameron and I were driving into the bush. Dad lost the track. All of a sudden we started going down the bank. The car was rolling. Dad has forgotten his seatbelt but Cameron and me had ours on. The car finally stopped. Dad had died in the crash but Cameron and me were ok. We got out of the car. It was wrecked. I would be surprised if the engine still worked. It was in the after. Noon and we had to make a place to sleep. We decided to make a tree hut. Six hours later we had built a hut. We were going to go tramping but then we had crashed so we had all the gear. We had a room each. The next morning Cameron was complaining that I was snoring. We had had breakfast and than decided to make a go-cart. At diner time they had got it going pretty good. So we had to stay another night. The next morning we packed up some of our gear and we were driving up the bank I spotted the track. We had got a reserve tank. It took us ages to get back. Every few days we went back and worked on the hut. We made the go-cart better and then seemed around.
By Alan
Dad Cameron and I were driving into the bush. Dad lost the track. All of a sudden we started going down the bank. The car was rolling. Dad has forgotten his seatbelt but Cameron and me had ours on. The car finally stopped. Dad had died in the crash but Cameron and me were ok. We got out of the car. It was wrecked. I would be surprised if the engine still worked. It was in the after. Noon and we had to make a place to sleep. We decided to make a tree hut. Six hours later we had built a hut. We were going to go tramping but then we had crashed so we had all the gear. We had a room each. The next morning Cameron was complaining that I was snoring. We had had breakfast and than decided to make a go-cart. At diner time they had got it going pretty good. So we had to stay another night. The next morning we packed up some of our gear and we were driving up the bank I spotted the track. We had got a reserve tank. It took us ages to get back. Every few days we went back and worked on the hut. We made the go-cart better and then seemed around.
By Alan
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

On Wednesday we went in a mini Bus up to Mt hites loge.
It was getting to late for skiing so we did atrie. We had to fire at a target. After the arty we did qude bike riding we had to go around a trace and it was really fun. After that we went to a place for tea.
The second day we went up to Mt Ruapehu.
We hired our skiing gear and started skiing. We had to wait until skiing lessons but my mum showed me how too. The second time I went down I was skiing really well and I could beat one pupil in my school. The third day I went up to the very top of the lifts and I was doing jumps.
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Yesterday we went to a fire service I learnt a lot. There was a big orange guy called Sparkie. We all got to use the hi pressure hose. It was really fun. The same day was speech day. Two people from our school went to it. One of them got third. It was a really exciting day.
Thursday, August 24, 2006

A few days ago I made a mouse trap. It was very fun. The mouse goes up the pipe and falls into the box then it can’t get out. If this doesn’t work we will make a different trap.
Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Award
A few days ago we went to an award. It was at Burgess Park. We got the award for helping track down kiwis in our valley. The kiwi trust got some kiwi eggs to hatch. They put the young kiwis on the mountain. A lot of people came to it. I didn’t think it was very fun.
People took a lot of pictures of us.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Yesterday I started learning how to spin a ball on my finger. I am still learning today. I can spin it on my finger for about five seconds. It is really hard when you are learning. But it is fun. I can’t wait until I can spin it properly.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Once upon a time there were 3 birds called Aaron Cameron and Alan.
One day they ran out of food. So they went to the closest house and got all the meat out of freezer and took the meat to their house. One day they decided to go on a holiday to Rainbows End. So they flew to the airport and then sneaked in to the plane. After a while they where in Auckland. They were at the gates at exactly the right time. They flew over and went straight to the bumper boats and hopped in one. They all ganged up on one person and cheered at him. A big wave came and hit him. He got smoked. Then they went on all the other rides. Then they went home.
The End. By Alan
One day they ran out of food. So they went to the closest house and got all the meat out of freezer and took the meat to their house. One day they decided to go on a holiday to Rainbows End. So they flew to the airport and then sneaked in to the plane. After a while they where in Auckland. They were at the gates at exactly the right time. They flew over and went straight to the bumper boats and hopped in one. They all ganged up on one person and cheered at him. A big wave came and hit him. He got smoked. Then they went on all the other rides. Then they went home.
The End. By Alan
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Yesterday we went up to the mountain and helped to release two kiwis. They showed us how the trap works and we got to touch the kiwis. Afterwards we had to go to the dentists
Thursday, May 18, 2006
We have been experimenting with phototrail.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A calculator is something that works out maths questions and tells you the answer.
A calculator has plastic buttons, a screen and it is solar powered.
When you push 1+1 the screen shows 2.
You can only use the calculator at school because it is solar powered.
It is good because you don’t need to work it out by yourself.
Thursday, April 06, 2006

A donkey is an animal.
It has 4 legs, big ears, and a hairy coat It is smaller than a horse. It makes an eyore noise.
A Donkey lives in a paddock so it can eat grass. Donkeys pull carts, eat grass and sleep.
Donkeys are very good for working on the farm.
A report by Alan
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tarawera Eruption
Hi my name is Alan and I live at Brent’s Hotel at Te Wairewa My Mum works there and I help her after school.
One night I was lying in my bed and I woke from an earthquake. I went down and then there was a boom. Tarrawarra started erupting. Half an hour later the walls stared cracking. So we went McRae’s Hotel but after a but that was started to crack as well. So we went into the newest part of the Hotel. But 10 minutes later that started cracking as well. So we had to go out and try to get to Sophia’s’ place. We had to put pillow over our heads. Otherwise we would full over too much. In the middle of the day it was stool dark. After a while some people came bring as bake to Rotor.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Today I am taking the mail to Whangamomana. I am the driver of the mail cart and my friend Cameron helps me. 2 bullocks pull the cart. We left Stratford at 4 0’clock but the axle broke when we where going up a hill so we had to get another new piece of wood and fix it. So we had to stay at Pohukura. The next day we got to Whangamomana at midday.
by Alan
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yesterday we went to the walkway. Our whole school went and we brought the bikes up on the truck. We had to wait for Mr. Barnes and Toria. The walkway was 6 kms and we went there and back. The best part was the down hills. I don’t thing they should make it any longer because it is already long enough.
by Alan
Thursday, February 16, 2006

On Tuesday a helicopter came to get marijuana. They first landed on our paddock. Then they worked on Mr Jupp’s paddock. We went down and sat in the helicopter. By Alan
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Holidays
Today is the first day of school. It is the first time I have been a senior. In the holidays we hayed 2 of our paddocks. We have a bridge that we jump off. My brother can do backwards flips and I can do bombs.
Thursday, December 01, 2005

On Tuesday, 29th November 2005, our school went to a soccer tournament at Stratford.
We played 6 games, we won 2 games and lost 4 games. Alex and Anja scored goals.
We almost got into the semi-finals. We had an enjoyable day.
Thursday, November 17, 2005

I am a helicopter pilot and I can fly to Matau school on Friday. I can give the other kids rides when I stay at my Dads.
It was neat fun playing when the helicopter landed at our school.
By Cameron

Today we went to the helicopter and the pilot showed us how it works. I got to sit in the helicopter.
By Alan
Yesterday me and Cameron went for a swim
And Cameron can do a doggy paddle.
Cameron is staying with his Dad because his mum has gone to a funeral.
And Cameron can do a doggy paddle.
Cameron is staying with his Dad because his mum has gone to a funeral.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

On pets day I come first with my lamb. I got 3 first 3 seconds and 1 third for the inside stuff. After the leading we had some stalls open for people to go to .I was the onley juniour for the lambs.
By Alan
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
In the Holidays I came to the school and played with Cameron. On Wednesday we did docking.
This term I want to get on to Junior Journals, better handwriting and better maths.
By Alan
This term I want to get on to Junior Journals, better handwriting and better maths.
By Alan
Monday, August 29, 2005
Principals Report
BOT Meeting August 30th 2005
Roll 8
Staffing Unchanged
We have certainly set up a full calendar this term. The ED schools production is progressing reasonably well and we now have only two practices left. We decided to make this morew low key this year and it seems to be working. The McCleod Shield teams have been in action every Wednesday with mixed results for the rugby and excellent results for netball. Our school speech day was completed with Alice winning first prize. We then had speeches and cross country at Makahu. Non of our three won places but the Mansell children all won their age groups for cross country. I was very pleased with the depth we achieved with speeches this year. Eden Chapman at Makahu came up with a new speech programme and we were able to focus more across the whole school and not just the seniors. It was also good to see he had modified the race distances to a more sensible level. I think it’s the first changes we have seen to Makahu’s sports day in the last ten years. The other significant event was the last of the MenB jabs completed at Toko school.
I have been working on tidying up the EOTC and Principal appraisal policies as a result of our ERO report. The EOTC policy was submitted to them at the end of week three.
I have also started using a new way to record planning and evaluation. Each unit will be recorded in the following manner and then placed in the take home books with appropriate work samples. It shows the achievement objectives, the levels, specific objectives and the outcomes.
English Objectives and Evaluation
Term Three 2005
[Language & Languages: English; Written Language - Writing; Level 3; Year 5]
Transactional Writing
Students should:
• write instructions, explanations, and
factual accounts, and express personal
veiwpoints, in a range of authentic
contexts, sequencing ideas logically Genre
Write sets of instructions that demonstrate:
Sequence ideas logically and clearly.
Use sentence structure that is appropriate to the genre.
Use a range of punctuation correctly.
[Language & Languages: English; Written Language - Writing; Level 3; Year 5]
All Writing
Students should:
• write on a variety of topics, shaping,
editing, and reworking texts in a range of
genres, and using vocabulary and
conventions, such as spelling and
sentence structure, appropriate to the
Make close spelling attempts of unknown words
Use a more expansive vocabulary to improve meaning including synonyms ,antonyms, adjectives, adverbs
Use the following punctuation accurately: fullstops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes (for contractions)
Independently reread to self correct high
frequency words (such as those from Spell-Write Essential Lists 1 - 6)
I am using a similar method for all the units taught.
I attended the Roadsense Workshop and presented the childrens video. I’m impressed with the way the programme can be fitted into other curriculum areas.
I attended the NUMPHA workshop in Inglewood. I find I am still working directly from the handbook but it is getting easier.
Holly, Cecelia and I attended the I-School courses in NP. These were amazing and we have already started using the information gained in the classroom. Holly with networking the Macs, Cecelia with Garageband and I’m introducing Webpage design and Kidpix Three.
I’m rather disappointed to report that Holly resigned from her position as Digiops computer Technician. She is still continuing on her own but she will need to undertake training for the more advanced work that is coming up in the future.
Review of Art Resources – at the moment we replace art gear on an as needed basis. I cant see any reason to change this and the school still has stocks of some art gear that arrived in the school before I did.
Upcoming Events
September 5th Netsafe Training Day in Stratford. 8th IT group meeting in Eltham. 14th Rachel IT coordinator to visit , Jaqui Walker Roadsense coordinator to visit. 21st Dress Rehearsal and The Big Production, Kings Theatre, Stratford.
BOT Meeting August 30th 2005
Roll 8
Staffing Unchanged
We have certainly set up a full calendar this term. The ED schools production is progressing reasonably well and we now have only two practices left. We decided to make this morew low key this year and it seems to be working. The McCleod Shield teams have been in action every Wednesday with mixed results for the rugby and excellent results for netball. Our school speech day was completed with Alice winning first prize. We then had speeches and cross country at Makahu. Non of our three won places but the Mansell children all won their age groups for cross country. I was very pleased with the depth we achieved with speeches this year. Eden Chapman at Makahu came up with a new speech programme and we were able to focus more across the whole school and not just the seniors. It was also good to see he had modified the race distances to a more sensible level. I think it’s the first changes we have seen to Makahu’s sports day in the last ten years. The other significant event was the last of the MenB jabs completed at Toko school.
I have been working on tidying up the EOTC and Principal appraisal policies as a result of our ERO report. The EOTC policy was submitted to them at the end of week three.
I have also started using a new way to record planning and evaluation. Each unit will be recorded in the following manner and then placed in the take home books with appropriate work samples. It shows the achievement objectives, the levels, specific objectives and the outcomes.
English Objectives and Evaluation
Term Three 2005
[Language & Languages: English; Written Language - Writing; Level 3; Year 5]
Transactional Writing
Students should:
• write instructions, explanations, and
factual accounts, and express personal
veiwpoints, in a range of authentic
contexts, sequencing ideas logically Genre
Write sets of instructions that demonstrate:
Sequence ideas logically and clearly.
Use sentence structure that is appropriate to the genre.
Use a range of punctuation correctly.
[Language & Languages: English; Written Language - Writing; Level 3; Year 5]
All Writing
Students should:
• write on a variety of topics, shaping,
editing, and reworking texts in a range of
genres, and using vocabulary and
conventions, such as spelling and
sentence structure, appropriate to the
Make close spelling attempts of unknown words
Use a more expansive vocabulary to improve meaning including synonyms ,antonyms, adjectives, adverbs
Use the following punctuation accurately: fullstops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes (for contractions)
Independently reread to self correct high
frequency words (such as those from Spell-Write Essential Lists 1 - 6)
I am using a similar method for all the units taught.
I attended the Roadsense Workshop and presented the childrens video. I’m impressed with the way the programme can be fitted into other curriculum areas.
I attended the NUMPHA workshop in Inglewood. I find I am still working directly from the handbook but it is getting easier.
Holly, Cecelia and I attended the I-School courses in NP. These were amazing and we have already started using the information gained in the classroom. Holly with networking the Macs, Cecelia with Garageband and I’m introducing Webpage design and Kidpix Three.
I’m rather disappointed to report that Holly resigned from her position as Digiops computer Technician. She is still continuing on her own but she will need to undertake training for the more advanced work that is coming up in the future.
Review of Art Resources – at the moment we replace art gear on an as needed basis. I cant see any reason to change this and the school still has stocks of some art gear that arrived in the school before I did.
Upcoming Events
September 5th Netsafe Training Day in Stratford. 8th IT group meeting in Eltham. 14th Rachel IT coordinator to visit , Jaqui Walker Roadsense coordinator to visit. 21st Dress Rehearsal and The Big Production, Kings Theatre, Stratford.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Speech Day
On Monday we had speeches at school. My speech was about sharks. My speech was last. Alex did his speech about possums. There was food at the end.
By Alan
On Monday we had speeches at school. My speech was about sharks. My speech was last. Alex did his speech about possums. There was food at the end.
By Alan
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Yesterday I went to the swamp paddock and I practised on the DS 80 on the hills. I went to the school and played then I went home.
By Alan.
Yesterday I went to the swamp paddock and I practised on the DS 80 on the hills. I went to the school and played then I went home.
By Alan.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My name is Cameron Barnes. I am a very nice person and I am seven years old. This picture shows me in the snow in my big jacket and with a hoodie over me. My sister Janelle took the photo. The other picture is my Mum. She smokes but my Dad gave up smoking. We had lots of fun in the snow and made lots of snowmen. I am on holiday with my Dad and we are going shopping today. My big brother Mason is going to rugby practice in Toko. We are going to have burgers for tea. I love my family and I have lots of brothers,sisters cousins and a neice. I dont have many nannas and grandads because my Grandad died on Christmas eve in 2002. It was very sad and I miss him.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
On Friday I got my injection for Meningitis B at Toko school and I didn’t like it.
Alex almost fainted and he doesn’t want to get his other needles but he has to. Then we went to town and picked up Anna from St. Mary’s and Adrian from Francis Douglas.
By Alan
On 31st May we had Jones Cup at Toko school. I played rugby with Brendon, Paul, Liam, Justin and Shaun.
We drew 1 game and lost 3 games. We came 3rd equal.
By Alan
On Friday I got my injection for Meningitis B at Toko school and I didn’t like it.
Alex almost fainted and he doesn’t want to get his other needles but he has to. Then we went to town and picked up Anna from St. Mary’s and Adrian from Francis Douglas.
By Alan
On 31st May we had Jones Cup at Toko school. I played rugby with Brendon, Paul, Liam, Justin and Shaun.
We drew 1 game and lost 3 games. We came 3rd equal.
By Alan
Thursday, May 19, 2005
There is a green car in the tall shed.
There is a slow car in the old shed.
There is a fast car in the tiny shed.
There is a new car in the holey
There is a fast car in the good shed.
By Alan
There is a slow car in the old shed.
There is a fast car in the tiny shed.
There is a new car in the holey
There is a fast car in the good shed.
By Alan
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I reckon Anna is good at playing soccer.
Anna is trying to get the ball off another girl.
Anna is trying to get the ball off another girl.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Matau School Newsletter
AGM Wednesday June 1st – followed by ordinary meeting.
Firstly I must apologise for not sending out a newsletter for such a long time. So what ‘s happening at the school? Well for administration we are basically reviewing everything over the next two years. This review focuses on what we think is important and we wont be wasting any time on things we regard as peripheral.
In the class the main focus has been on maths. Currently New Zealand schools are doing a complete overhaul of the maths programme. The first stage involved the junior school. This year it spreads into the seniors and then to the high schools. The optimistic side thinks it’s a great move. The pessimist in me says I’ll believe it when I see it. We are continuing to develop our ICT and we now have the latest I-Mac and broadband. The kids weblogs have been great and our next step is to build an interactive website. This should be running by the end of this term. We have had the current website for a year and there has been 5 000 visitors to the site. It’s a bit clunky but it’s certainly done the job.
The address is
Feijoas for sale – contact Purangi Orchards.
Upcoming Events
May 12th School photos – but open to others – contact the school.
16th Jones Cup Practice Day – Marco
20th Vaccinations at Toko School.
26th – 27th Life Education at Huiakama.
30th Jones Cup at Toko.
June 6th Queens Birthday.
8th – 10th Rural Principals Conference in Wellington.
20th – 23rd ERO audit.
July 1st Second vaccination jab at Toko
8th End of term two.Reports and progress books go out.
AGM Wednesday June 1st – followed by ordinary meeting.
Firstly I must apologise for not sending out a newsletter for such a long time. So what ‘s happening at the school? Well for administration we are basically reviewing everything over the next two years. This review focuses on what we think is important and we wont be wasting any time on things we regard as peripheral.
In the class the main focus has been on maths. Currently New Zealand schools are doing a complete overhaul of the maths programme. The first stage involved the junior school. This year it spreads into the seniors and then to the high schools. The optimistic side thinks it’s a great move. The pessimist in me says I’ll believe it when I see it. We are continuing to develop our ICT and we now have the latest I-Mac and broadband. The kids weblogs have been great and our next step is to build an interactive website. This should be running by the end of this term. We have had the current website for a year and there has been 5 000 visitors to the site. It’s a bit clunky but it’s certainly done the job.
The address is
Feijoas for sale – contact Purangi Orchards.
Upcoming Events
May 12th School photos – but open to others – contact the school.
16th Jones Cup Practice Day – Marco
20th Vaccinations at Toko School.
26th – 27th Life Education at Huiakama.
30th Jones Cup at Toko.
June 6th Queens Birthday.
8th – 10th Rural Principals Conference in Wellington.
20th – 23rd ERO audit.
July 1st Second vaccination jab at Toko
8th End of term two.Reports and progress books go out.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Principals Report
April BOT Meeting.
Roll - 8
Staffing - Unchanged
Term one ended well with the Action Learning unit on waste disposal being completed. It was a close thing however and perhaps reflects the rather crammed approach. We also completed our art unit and these are on display on the back wall.
Staff Development
I have completed the Action Learning unit. I decided not to submit the final assignment as I didn’t think it was worth the effort. While I gained some ideas from the unit it was mainly a collection of ideas I worked on in the eighties. It was very good to revisit them but I’m not convinced it is a very good way to incorporate ICT skills into the classroom.
The senior maths component of NUMPA started with an afternoon course in Inglewood. This is even more intensive than the junior part. I now feel that in order to do this justice I need to put more focus on it’s implementation . In many ways we did not achieve full depth first time around with the juniors and this is a goal for this year. At the same time the middle school children are steadily mov ing towards the senior goals and the two senior boys are working on a plan of their own. This makes our daily 45 minute maths lesson a complex operation with constant changes to planning and methods of implementation.
Todays course on Principal Appraisal showed that it is in some ways more complex than I had thought. As part of our review of NAG 3 I suggest we implement a three year cycle of Principal Appraisal. As we also have an ERO review this year it could be an idceal time. The basic plan is:
Year One - use ERO report, BOT consultation and Ross Uttons classroom observations to form the basis of this years appraisal and to provide data for both next years agreement and the setting of new school goals at the end of this year.
Year Two – use Ross or another local Principal to carry out the appraisal.
Year Three – use an independent consultant to carry out the appraisal.
Upcoming Events
Today DOC to talk about 1080 and cyanide drop in forest block. Richard to Maths course in Inglewood 3:30 – 5:00
May 12th School photos EOTC course Stratford 1:00 – 6:00pm
16th Jones Cup practice at Marco 18th Traffic safety course in NP 20th MenB Vacs. at Toko, 26th -27th Life Ed at Huiakama. 30th Jones Cup at Toko
April BOT Meeting.
Roll - 8
Staffing - Unchanged
Term one ended well with the Action Learning unit on waste disposal being completed. It was a close thing however and perhaps reflects the rather crammed approach. We also completed our art unit and these are on display on the back wall.
Staff Development
I have completed the Action Learning unit. I decided not to submit the final assignment as I didn’t think it was worth the effort. While I gained some ideas from the unit it was mainly a collection of ideas I worked on in the eighties. It was very good to revisit them but I’m not convinced it is a very good way to incorporate ICT skills into the classroom.
The senior maths component of NUMPA started with an afternoon course in Inglewood. This is even more intensive than the junior part. I now feel that in order to do this justice I need to put more focus on it’s implementation . In many ways we did not achieve full depth first time around with the juniors and this is a goal for this year. At the same time the middle school children are steadily mov ing towards the senior goals and the two senior boys are working on a plan of their own. This makes our daily 45 minute maths lesson a complex operation with constant changes to planning and methods of implementation.
Todays course on Principal Appraisal showed that it is in some ways more complex than I had thought. As part of our review of NAG 3 I suggest we implement a three year cycle of Principal Appraisal. As we also have an ERO review this year it could be an idceal time. The basic plan is:
Year One - use ERO report, BOT consultation and Ross Uttons classroom observations to form the basis of this years appraisal and to provide data for both next years agreement and the setting of new school goals at the end of this year.
Year Two – use Ross or another local Principal to carry out the appraisal.
Year Three – use an independent consultant to carry out the appraisal.
Upcoming Events
Today DOC to talk about 1080 and cyanide drop in forest block. Richard to Maths course in Inglewood 3:30 – 5:00
May 12th School photos EOTC course Stratford 1:00 – 6:00pm
16th Jones Cup practice at Marco 18th Traffic safety course in NP 20th MenB Vacs. at Toko, 26th -27th Life Ed at Huiakama. 30th Jones Cup at Toko
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Great Start
When the phone went at 7:15 this morning it was my neighbour Val asking me if we were being flooded yet. When I looked out the kitchen window all I could see was the river. It was up to our back fence. The highest flood since the 1991 floods. There are slips across all three access roads and only one family could get to school this morning. It has been amazing to watch the river level going up and down with the rainfall. We have also watched a slip coming down the hill across the road.
On the first day of school ther was a flood. The pigs pen was almost covered in water. Our family was the only one that got to school.
Monday, April 11, 2005
At summer sports day at Matau I tried archery.
I hit the cardboard twice.
I liked archery the best.
I also tried cricket, earthball, baseball, touch rugby and indoor bowls.
I had a sausage, orange drink and a raspberry iceblock for lunch.
I hit the cardboard twice.
I liked archery the best.
I also tried cricket, earthball, baseball, touch rugby and indoor bowls.
I had a sausage, orange drink and a raspberry iceblock for lunch.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
On Wednesday we went kayaking at the Waitara lake. We jumped off the kayaks and stuck up like corks because we had life jackets on. We had lunch at the playground. I had a good day kayaking.
We went to New Plymouth to get a table and 2 umbrellas for school.
On Wednesday we went kayaking at the Waitara lake. We jumped off the kayaks and stuck up like corks because we had life jackets on. We had lunch at the playground. I had a good day kayaking.
We went to New Plymouth to get a table and 2 umbrellas for school.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Mr B.
Having a bad hair day
Monday, February 14, 2005
Principals Report.
Matau School BOT Meeting
February 2005
Staffing - Unchanged
Roll - Eight
This year is shaping up to be reasonably busy as far as administration goes. We seem to be heading down a path that requires us to work more on external timetables. For this reason I think it’s a good idea to tighten up our own reporting and review timetable and I have attached a draft timetable to this report. I realise that there is nothing scheduled for June and August but these are really needed to follow up on tasks started at earlier meetings. I also realise that we reviewed NAG 5 at the end of last year but there are two excellent workshops on EOTC requirements and this will give us the opportunity to include changes arising from them.
A pressing need is to set up a new system of peer review for myself as principal. There is no chance of joining the Kaimata cluster on their new system and nothing seems to have eventuated in our cluster. It may be that we need to bring in someone from outside.
The goals this year still centre around developing an integrated literacy /ICT programme and the development of the new maths programme. The literacy programme will continue to develop as outlined last year. The maths will introduce a focus on the senior school while continuing the integration of the new junior programme.
Staff Training
Literacy /ICT – Infolink course through University of Auckland and ICT cluster. This involves six day sessions and three assignments.
Maths Six day sessions and an online component.
Plus one day courses for literacy and workshops for developing health and safety.
February 16th Roadsense Workshop in New Plymouth. 18th Computer teechnician visits plus Infolink w/shop 19th Infolink 22nd Science Roadshow at Stratford High, 23rd Kayaks at New Plymouth, 24th Rachel Jeffares to visit 25th Reading course at Douglas.
March 1st Swimming Sports at Stratford, 3rd EOTC workshop, 4th ITC course Stratford,
Richard Barnes - Principal
Matau School BOT Meeting
February 2005
Staffing - Unchanged
Roll - Eight
This year is shaping up to be reasonably busy as far as administration goes. We seem to be heading down a path that requires us to work more on external timetables. For this reason I think it’s a good idea to tighten up our own reporting and review timetable and I have attached a draft timetable to this report. I realise that there is nothing scheduled for June and August but these are really needed to follow up on tasks started at earlier meetings. I also realise that we reviewed NAG 5 at the end of last year but there are two excellent workshops on EOTC requirements and this will give us the opportunity to include changes arising from them.
A pressing need is to set up a new system of peer review for myself as principal. There is no chance of joining the Kaimata cluster on their new system and nothing seems to have eventuated in our cluster. It may be that we need to bring in someone from outside.
The goals this year still centre around developing an integrated literacy /ICT programme and the development of the new maths programme. The literacy programme will continue to develop as outlined last year. The maths will introduce a focus on the senior school while continuing the integration of the new junior programme.
Staff Training
Literacy /ICT – Infolink course through University of Auckland and ICT cluster. This involves six day sessions and three assignments.
Maths Six day sessions and an online component.
Plus one day courses for literacy and workshops for developing health and safety.
February 16th Roadsense Workshop in New Plymouth. 18th Computer teechnician visits plus Infolink w/shop 19th Infolink 22nd Science Roadshow at Stratford High, 23rd Kayaks at New Plymouth, 24th Rachel Jeffares to visit 25th Reading course at Douglas.
March 1st Swimming Sports at Stratford, 3rd EOTC workshop, 4th ITC course Stratford,
Richard Barnes - Principal
Thursday, February 03, 2005
On Christmas I got a boogie board. I got some balloons from Alice. I got a toy truck. Grosmmammi gave us some chocolate sticks and chocolate balls.
We all went to Coromandel and we stayed at the Thompsons and we went in trhe spa and the pool. We all went tramping.We stayed at a hut what hads 18 beds.We vwalked four hours going back. We got two flats. We went to a water fall and then we wenmt home.
On Christmas I got a boogie board. I got some balloons from Alice. I got a toy truck. Grosmmammi gave us some chocolate sticks and chocolate balls.
We all went to Coromandel and we stayed at the Thompsons and we went in trhe spa and the pool. We all went tramping.We stayed at a hut what hads 18 beds.We vwalked four hours going back. We got two flats. We went to a water fall and then we wenmt home.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Yesterday our whole school went to the AMI soccer tournament in Stratford. We went to the soccer club grounds on Swansea Rd. First we all practised kicking the ball to each other. WE played our first game on ground one. We played Eltham White. They beat us 1-0. The next game we lost 2-1. Alex got our goal. We lost the last game 2-0.
Stratford won the cup. Alan enjoyed the whole day. Cameron enjoyed blocking the big girl from getting the ball.
By Cameron and Alan.
Yesterday our whole school went to the AMI soccer tournament in Stratford. We went to the soccer club grounds on Swansea Rd. First we all practised kicking the ball to each other. WE played our first game on ground one. We played Eltham White. They beat us 1-0. The next game we lost 2-1. Alex got our goal. We lost the last game 2-0.
Stratford won the cup. Alan enjoyed the whole day. Cameron enjoyed blocking the big girl from getting the ball.
By Cameron and Alan.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
The Sand Mountain
Yesterday we played in the sand mountains. We made roads and put cars on the roads. People were making houses. Alex made an airstrip.
By Cameron
Yesterday we played in the sand mountains. We made roads and put cars on the roads. People were making houses. Alex made an airstrip.
By Cameron
Making a Road on the Sand
Yesterday at the car park we made a track on the gravel pile. We drove cars along it.
By Alan
Yesterday at the car park we made a track on the gravel pile. We drove cars along it.
By Alan
Monday, October 11, 2004
BOT MEETING: October 2004
Roll 9
Staffing - Unchanged. Pool persons position?
Professional Development.
During the holidays I attended the NavconY2k4 conference in Christchurch as a member of the ICT cluster. The purpose was to look at the latest trends in software, hardware, and teaching. I had three personal goals for this conference as I strongly believe that it’s easy to be blinded by all the flash gear and that you end up with nothing practical for the school.
Goal One. What’s the current overall trend?
School networks and administration software were the standouts. Its clear that the ministry wants high speed internet access hooked up to a standardised school network and running a ministry approved software package. This is being introduced by the Ministry and I think we will be basically told what to do.
Goal Two. How can we properly integrate ICT and maximise it’s use in the classroom?
This involved two breakout sessions and one keynote speaker and is the most important as far as our school is concerned. ICT is not something that can be added on to the programme and is not an end in itself. Rather it allows schools to approach education in a different way and provide the opportunity for children to become self centred learners rather than receivers of knowledge.
I looked at the Hitahitahi school model and the work being done at Yaldhurst Model school in Christchurch and this term intend to experiment with the basic Hitahitahi model. I have attached a copy of this.
I also researched web logs and their ability to give the children a wider audience. As a result all the senior children have web logs linked to the school homepage. This will allow the children to publish to the world, or to a selected audience, and for the audience to comment or share with each child. This is very new and experimental in primary schools but I can see huge advantages for our children in this.
Goal Three. What will we replace the I-Mac with?
Well another Mac obviously. I attended the Apple trade stand and took part in two training sessions with them. The main thing to remember is where we are going not where we are now. Based on this I think either an e-Mac or G5 Power Mac and to keep the old I-mac for the juniors. We can then flick one of the older PC computers.
So in all a very effective conference and one that will influence education in our school rather strongly over the next two years.
Last term I did an observation visit with Dave at Kaimata School. One of the areas that Dave asked me about was our system of school review and he made the comment that we are dithering about. On reflection I would have to agree with him. He suggested that we use his method and it appears to be very effective. Last year we did a complete review of everything for our new smart charter and in theory everything should now be in place. What we should now be doing is simply picking up each NAG folder and working through the policies and procedures. If they don’t work, we need to fix it , if they do then move on to the next one. By moving through each NAG we are in effect reviewing the whole school. The simplest to start with would be either NAG 5 Health and Safety or NAG 4 Financial and Property Management. Finish with NAG 2 as this deals with documentation and school review and should confirm what we have just been through.
Today District Health Nurse. 13th Rachel Jeffares ICT training. 19th Cybersafe Video Conference, 25th Labour Day, 26th Pets Day, 27th House windows, Observation with Dave, 28th Principals Meeting in Stratford,
4th Soccer Tournament in Stratford, 5th Guy Fawkes, 9th Maths course, 10th Cluster meeting at Wanga Pub. 18th Mike Whiteman visits, 26th Network meeting Stanley,
7th Fitzroy Beach Safety Day, 13th Concert 14th End of school year.
Roll 9
Staffing - Unchanged. Pool persons position?
Professional Development.
During the holidays I attended the NavconY2k4 conference in Christchurch as a member of the ICT cluster. The purpose was to look at the latest trends in software, hardware, and teaching. I had three personal goals for this conference as I strongly believe that it’s easy to be blinded by all the flash gear and that you end up with nothing practical for the school.
Goal One. What’s the current overall trend?
School networks and administration software were the standouts. Its clear that the ministry wants high speed internet access hooked up to a standardised school network and running a ministry approved software package. This is being introduced by the Ministry and I think we will be basically told what to do.
Goal Two. How can we properly integrate ICT and maximise it’s use in the classroom?
This involved two breakout sessions and one keynote speaker and is the most important as far as our school is concerned. ICT is not something that can be added on to the programme and is not an end in itself. Rather it allows schools to approach education in a different way and provide the opportunity for children to become self centred learners rather than receivers of knowledge.
I looked at the Hitahitahi school model and the work being done at Yaldhurst Model school in Christchurch and this term intend to experiment with the basic Hitahitahi model. I have attached a copy of this.
I also researched web logs and their ability to give the children a wider audience. As a result all the senior children have web logs linked to the school homepage. This will allow the children to publish to the world, or to a selected audience, and for the audience to comment or share with each child. This is very new and experimental in primary schools but I can see huge advantages for our children in this.
Goal Three. What will we replace the I-Mac with?
Well another Mac obviously. I attended the Apple trade stand and took part in two training sessions with them. The main thing to remember is where we are going not where we are now. Based on this I think either an e-Mac or G5 Power Mac and to keep the old I-mac for the juniors. We can then flick one of the older PC computers.
So in all a very effective conference and one that will influence education in our school rather strongly over the next two years.
Last term I did an observation visit with Dave at Kaimata School. One of the areas that Dave asked me about was our system of school review and he made the comment that we are dithering about. On reflection I would have to agree with him. He suggested that we use his method and it appears to be very effective. Last year we did a complete review of everything for our new smart charter and in theory everything should now be in place. What we should now be doing is simply picking up each NAG folder and working through the policies and procedures. If they don’t work, we need to fix it , if they do then move on to the next one. By moving through each NAG we are in effect reviewing the whole school. The simplest to start with would be either NAG 5 Health and Safety or NAG 4 Financial and Property Management. Finish with NAG 2 as this deals with documentation and school review and should confirm what we have just been through.
Today District Health Nurse. 13th Rachel Jeffares ICT training. 19th Cybersafe Video Conference, 25th Labour Day, 26th Pets Day, 27th House windows, Observation with Dave, 28th Principals Meeting in Stratford,
4th Soccer Tournament in Stratford, 5th Guy Fawkes, 9th Maths course, 10th Cluster meeting at Wanga Pub. 18th Mike Whiteman visits, 26th Network meeting Stanley,
7th Fitzroy Beach Safety Day, 13th Concert 14th End of school year.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Well another term begins. I spent the last week of the holidays attending the Navcon2 conference in Christchurch. I was very sceptical about giving up holidays for work but in the end it was very successful and useful. With IT I am aiming to move on from being a well equipped dithering school to a school with IT integrated into the learning environment. Not as hard as it sounds as we were well on our way already. I have set up another blog to record this at
Our opening integrated units are the "Road to Matau" which involves the seniors making an intractive CD with stories collected from our community about how people went to school and a special trip to town in the good old days.
The middle kids are making an advertising poster to attract tourists to Matau. They are currently interviewing people and researching other examples.
The juniors are producing a book about our new road and how it was built. Complete with pictures.
Our opening integrated units are the "Road to Matau" which involves the seniors making an intractive CD with stories collected from our community about how people went to school and a special trip to town in the good old days.
The middle kids are making an advertising poster to attract tourists to Matau. They are currently interviewing people and researching other examples.
The juniors are producing a book about our new road and how it was built. Complete with pictures.
Monday, October 04, 2004
In the holidays we had a water bomb fight. Then we had to clean out the pond.
By Cameron
By Cameron
In the holidays we had a watewrbomb fight. It was fun and then we threw people in the pond.
By Alan.
By Alan.
Monday, August 23, 2004
AUGUST 2004.
ROLL = 9
STAFFING Unchanged
Since July we have had the school speeches and then speech day and cross country at Makahu. Mason and Alex were our speech representatives and I was pleased with the effort and work that they put in. The cross country was postponed to Sept. 14th due to the bad weather. This gets us out of phase with the Taranaki cross country but at least we should get it out of the way.
Other features have been the new maths programme. At the suggestion of the maths advisor I have concentrated at working with the juniors first and then developing it through the school. A complex operation and I can now see why they allow two years in the development contract.
We are half way through our Olympics Units. We have focussed on the 100metres for the class and then developed from there. Alex and Mason are doing an online unit with about fifteen other schools and are currently sitting on a gold medal.
Mike Whiteman came in to start stage two of our interactive fiction unit. We are continuing on this in a fairly steady but low key way.
As part of our policy review I have been looking at the language programme. The core programme was introduced in 1997 but was revisited in the literacy review in 2002. This is a solid and successful programme and the focus has been on it’s implementation especially at the senior level of the school. There are three peripheral policies that do need reviewing and I would like to table them tonight for discussion. They are:
Policy on Computer Use (1995)
Policy on Handwriting (1993)
The Library Policy (1995)
For professional Development I attended a maths course in Inglewood to supplement the online maths. Excellent value.
The Connected course for implementing Broadband. This was a huge waste of time. The connection provider will be ICONZ via satellite. They rang to discuss this while I was at the course. I have since been informed that the satellite to deliver this hasn’t been launched yet.
The maths advisor, Keith Bland, spent a morning at school doing practical teaching demonstrations for the new maths programme.
I attended the I-School course in New Plymouth for schools using Apple Computers. A mixed bag but I did get to evaluate a lot of new software. The cluster group are paying the fees for this.
Upcoming Events
Aug. 27th Observation visit at Kaimata. We appear to be back on track with this. But Dave owes me a visit.
Aug.31st Rachael Jafferes visit to develop ICT. Any thoughts for the homepage.
Sept.1st Mini Olympics at Huiakama. 8th Maths course at Inglewood, 9th ICT leadership workshop. 13th Mike Whiteman to visit. 14th Cross country 17th End of term three.
Richard Barnes
AUGUST 2004.
ROLL = 9
STAFFING Unchanged
Since July we have had the school speeches and then speech day and cross country at Makahu. Mason and Alex were our speech representatives and I was pleased with the effort and work that they put in. The cross country was postponed to Sept. 14th due to the bad weather. This gets us out of phase with the Taranaki cross country but at least we should get it out of the way.
Other features have been the new maths programme. At the suggestion of the maths advisor I have concentrated at working with the juniors first and then developing it through the school. A complex operation and I can now see why they allow two years in the development contract.
We are half way through our Olympics Units. We have focussed on the 100metres for the class and then developed from there. Alex and Mason are doing an online unit with about fifteen other schools and are currently sitting on a gold medal.
Mike Whiteman came in to start stage two of our interactive fiction unit. We are continuing on this in a fairly steady but low key way.
As part of our policy review I have been looking at the language programme. The core programme was introduced in 1997 but was revisited in the literacy review in 2002. This is a solid and successful programme and the focus has been on it’s implementation especially at the senior level of the school. There are three peripheral policies that do need reviewing and I would like to table them tonight for discussion. They are:
Policy on Computer Use (1995)
Policy on Handwriting (1993)
The Library Policy (1995)
For professional Development I attended a maths course in Inglewood to supplement the online maths. Excellent value.
The Connected course for implementing Broadband. This was a huge waste of time. The connection provider will be ICONZ via satellite. They rang to discuss this while I was at the course. I have since been informed that the satellite to deliver this hasn’t been launched yet.
The maths advisor, Keith Bland, spent a morning at school doing practical teaching demonstrations for the new maths programme.
I attended the I-School course in New Plymouth for schools using Apple Computers. A mixed bag but I did get to evaluate a lot of new software. The cluster group are paying the fees for this.
Upcoming Events
Aug. 27th Observation visit at Kaimata. We appear to be back on track with this. But Dave owes me a visit.
Aug.31st Rachael Jafferes visit to develop ICT. Any thoughts for the homepage.
Sept.1st Mini Olympics at Huiakama. 8th Maths course at Inglewood, 9th ICT leadership workshop. 13th Mike Whiteman to visit. 14th Cross country 17th End of term three.
Richard Barnes
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Principals Report
BOT Meeting July 27, 2004
Mainly this involved upgrading all the computers in the holidays. This was a giant hassle and a special thank-you to Holly for spending so much time getting everything up and running.
Much of what we will be doing this term revolves around acquiring and using study skills and an online activity with our ICT group for the Olympics. We will also be preparing for cross country and speeches. I will be running an ongoing but low key reading project. This is designed to extend recreational reading and to build up reading mileage. It had some very significant effects last term and so I decided to continue.
Professional Development.
There are three separate areas. The first is maths. This is both online and through courses in Inglewood. This term I am focussing on applying the programme directly to the classroom. We will be covering numeration, and addition and subtraction during the next few weeks.
The next area is ICT. This involves a WITT course for developing skills on the internet, developing the broadband connection and sharing with other schools. There is also the major i-school conference for the Mac. In addition to this we will be continuing the interactive fiction unit with Mike Whiteman. A very busy term but with lots of potential.
August-3rd Maths at Inglewood, 5th Broadband Stratford.10th Mike Whiteman visits, 12th WITT course starts in Stratford, 13th-14th I-School NewPlymouth, 16th Keith Bland maths advisor visits, 17th cross country and speeches, 31st Rachel Jafferes to visit.
At this stage we will probably have school speeches on Thursday 12th.
Richard Barnes
BOT Meeting July 27, 2004
Mainly this involved upgrading all the computers in the holidays. This was a giant hassle and a special thank-you to Holly for spending so much time getting everything up and running.
Much of what we will be doing this term revolves around acquiring and using study skills and an online activity with our ICT group for the Olympics. We will also be preparing for cross country and speeches. I will be running an ongoing but low key reading project. This is designed to extend recreational reading and to build up reading mileage. It had some very significant effects last term and so I decided to continue.
Professional Development.
There are three separate areas. The first is maths. This is both online and through courses in Inglewood. This term I am focussing on applying the programme directly to the classroom. We will be covering numeration, and addition and subtraction during the next few weeks.
The next area is ICT. This involves a WITT course for developing skills on the internet, developing the broadband connection and sharing with other schools. There is also the major i-school conference for the Mac. In addition to this we will be continuing the interactive fiction unit with Mike Whiteman. A very busy term but with lots of potential.
August-3rd Maths at Inglewood, 5th Broadband Stratford.10th Mike Whiteman visits, 12th WITT course starts in Stratford, 13th-14th I-School NewPlymouth, 16th Keith Bland maths advisor visits, 17th cross country and speeches, 31st Rachel Jafferes to visit.
At this stage we will probably have school speeches on Thursday 12th.
Richard Barnes
Monday, July 19, 2004
In the holidays i went with Adrian on the two wheeler around the sheep. Alan
In the holidays I got some playdough and a slimy ball. Cameron
In the holidays I got some playdough and a slimy ball. Cameron
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Principals Report
BOT Meeting
June 22nd 2004
Roll 9
Staffing Unchanged
A progress report on some of the goals for this years curriculum focus:
1. Improve literacy skills at levels three and four.
2. Improve numeracy skills at levels three and four.
3. Continue to incorporate asTTle as the main diagnostic overview for senior literacy and numeracy.(sr & sp )
4. Modity planning and teaching as result of information presented by aSStle(sp).
5. Set up school and community homepage.(sp b)
6. Incorporate skills from Numeracy Development project into classroom programme.(sp pd)
We are making excellent progress toward the literacy goals. As a result of the aSStle tests in term one I have been able to set very specific goals for reading in the senior school. The focus has been on vocabulary, comprehension, and higher order thinking skills. The checkpoints built into the programme have shown very solid progress. At the end of this term we will test their study skills and focus on developing these through term three.
Progress on the numeracy goals has been much slower. While our normal programme hasn’t really suffered we have been intending to use the new numeracy programme to take a step up. Very little happened in the first term and it has been only in the last few weeks that I have been able to introduce new elements into the programme. It looks very promising but it does require huge changes and I am not convinced that the on-line option has been very good. It’s slow, unreliable, and rather shallow in it’s coverage. Fortunatly the maths advisor has allowed us to join in with the workshops in Inglewood. The downside is that it has increased the costs of an already expensive development programme. Hopefully we will begin to see a more positive outcome next term.
The school and community homepage or will be up and running next term. I have avoided the temptation to make it flash and have allowed the children, (with Rachel Jeffares help),to do it themselves.
The children are also taking part in an experimental Hyperstudio unit based around interactive fiction with Mike Whiteman. Although it’s early days the children are very
keen. It involves using multi-path logic and requires an ability to visualise the final outcome in your head. I have the feeling that this is something children can do better than adults but that we tend to teach it out of them. It will be interesting to see what happens.
I hope everyone enjoyed the follow-up to the Wellington trip. Later in the year we will be looking at parliament and possibly extending our rock climbing abilities. We will also be doing some city inspired artwork.
A very quite month for administration.
Upcoming Events.
June 24th ICT network meeting at Toko. 25th Dave Roderick’s observation visit.
July 1st RS31 Roll return to Ministry. This sets staffing levels for next year. 2nd End of term two. Reports and take home books to go home.
We will be going to New Plymouth on Wednesday to see Shrek 2.
BOT Meeting
June 22nd 2004
Roll 9
Staffing Unchanged
A progress report on some of the goals for this years curriculum focus:
1. Improve literacy skills at levels three and four.
2. Improve numeracy skills at levels three and four.
3. Continue to incorporate asTTle as the main diagnostic overview for senior literacy and numeracy.(sr & sp )
4. Modity planning and teaching as result of information presented by aSStle(sp).
5. Set up school and community homepage.(sp b)
6. Incorporate skills from Numeracy Development project into classroom programme.(sp pd)
We are making excellent progress toward the literacy goals. As a result of the aSStle tests in term one I have been able to set very specific goals for reading in the senior school. The focus has been on vocabulary, comprehension, and higher order thinking skills. The checkpoints built into the programme have shown very solid progress. At the end of this term we will test their study skills and focus on developing these through term three.
Progress on the numeracy goals has been much slower. While our normal programme hasn’t really suffered we have been intending to use the new numeracy programme to take a step up. Very little happened in the first term and it has been only in the last few weeks that I have been able to introduce new elements into the programme. It looks very promising but it does require huge changes and I am not convinced that the on-line option has been very good. It’s slow, unreliable, and rather shallow in it’s coverage. Fortunatly the maths advisor has allowed us to join in with the workshops in Inglewood. The downside is that it has increased the costs of an already expensive development programme. Hopefully we will begin to see a more positive outcome next term.
The school and community homepage or will be up and running next term. I have avoided the temptation to make it flash and have allowed the children, (with Rachel Jeffares help),to do it themselves.
The children are also taking part in an experimental Hyperstudio unit based around interactive fiction with Mike Whiteman. Although it’s early days the children are very
keen. It involves using multi-path logic and requires an ability to visualise the final outcome in your head. I have the feeling that this is something children can do better than adults but that we tend to teach it out of them. It will be interesting to see what happens.
I hope everyone enjoyed the follow-up to the Wellington trip. Later in the year we will be looking at parliament and possibly extending our rock climbing abilities. We will also be doing some city inspired artwork.
A very quite month for administration.
Upcoming Events.
June 24th ICT network meeting at Toko. 25th Dave Roderick’s observation visit.
July 1st RS31 Roll return to Ministry. This sets staffing levels for next year. 2nd End of term two. Reports and take home books to go home.
We will be going to New Plymouth on Wednesday to see Shrek 2.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
On Thursday 17th 7:30 at the school the children will present reports on the school trip to Wellington. This involves an oral presentation as well as video and powerpoint. The fire will be going and there will be coffee to follow. Everyone is welcome.
You can also check out our new interactive fiction
On Thursday 17th 7:30 at the school the children will present reports on the school trip to Wellington. This involves an oral presentation as well as video and powerpoint. The fire will be going and there will be coffee to follow. Everyone is welcome.
You can also check out our new interactive fiction
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
When we went to Jones Cup Cameron found a ball and then I went and saw it and we played with it and after we had played with it we threw it into the drain. ALAN
I played on the playground and I played on the slide. I went down the firepole then I went back up, I went down the slide again. CAMERON
I played on the playground went down the slide and the firepole. ALAN
I watched Masons game of rugby. I saw Victoria on the netball courts. CAMERON
I watched Aaron and Alex and Alice play their games. ALAN
When we went to Jones Cup Cameron found a ball and then I went and saw it and we played with it and after we had played with it we threw it into the drain. ALAN
I played on the playground and I played on the slide. I went down the firepole then I went back up, I went down the slide again. CAMERON
I played on the playground went down the slide and the firepole. ALAN
I watched Masons game of rugby. I saw Victoria on the netball courts. CAMERON
I watched Aaron and Alex and Alice play their games. ALAN
On Monday the 17th was Jones Cup. It’s a mixture between netball and rugby. Mason and Alex won the senior division for Jones Cup for rugby and did not lose 1 game. They were called the Chiefs. Aaron’s team came runner up they were the ED Destroyers.
By Mason Alex.
By Mason Alex.
Yesterday we went to Jones Cup. The boys played rugby and the girls played netball. The schools that were there were Toko, Midhurst, and the ED schools. The ED schools made netball and rugby teams, Midhurst made teams and Toko made teams to play each other. In netball the senior ED netball teams won. The inetermediate ED. netball team won. In the little netball players Toko won.
By Alice and Victoria
By Alice and Victoria
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Well back from our big trip to Wellington. A great week and we had a lot of fun. The theme was living in the city. That's the CBD. We stayed at the YHA which is right in the middle. Hopefully we will have some posts from the kids as well. We intend to link this blog to our new home page which should be up and running in the next few months. The intent is for the blog to be for day to day notices and publications and the home page to be more fixed in terms of information and pictures
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Matau School BOT Meeting April 2004.
Nine. With Thomas and Dean Lobb transferring on to Kaimata.
Mrs. Holly Barnes has resigned as school cleaner and Mrs. Claudia Mansell has taken up the position. Thanks to Holly for her work over the last three years.
The Ministry has acknowledged our smart charter for 2004 with a few helpful comments on tidying procedural information for next year. This includes information on the reporting cycle, consultation, cultural diversity, and requests for instruction in Te Reo. These could easily be included in next years plan where necessary.
We need to note that we will be spending more money on maths resources than we budgeted for. Previously we have always done the training in the first year and then upgraded the resources the following year. With maths we have had to purchase the gear up front hence the budget blowout.
I have organised for Dave Roderick to carry out my in class observation on June 25th.
I will be returning the favour next term.
I attended the Rural Principals conference in Queenstown. A great setting with some eye opening work shops. On Saturday I attended our ICT mini conference at Stratford Primary. Once again great workshops but also an opportunity to chat with people who are trying to extend smaller schools with ICT. This should lead to at least three solid developments in the school programme this term.
A good ending to last term with the kids enjoying some extended time with Mrs. Howatson. This term we will be starting with the Wellington trip next week. I have attached final plans for the BOT’s approval. I realise the Take Homes didn’t go out at the end of the term and currently I am aiming for the end of week three.
Upcoming Events.
April 30th Running records course, 3:30 Huiakama.
May 3rd – 6th School trip to Wellington.
May 10th Mike Whiteman to visit. Investigating interactive fiction.
11th Jones Cup practice at Marco.
May 17th Jones Cup at Toko.
18th Maths Course at Inglewood.
25th. Rachel Jeffares to visit and work on school homepage.
Richard Barnes
Matau School BOT Meeting April 2004.
Nine. With Thomas and Dean Lobb transferring on to Kaimata.
Mrs. Holly Barnes has resigned as school cleaner and Mrs. Claudia Mansell has taken up the position. Thanks to Holly for her work over the last three years.
The Ministry has acknowledged our smart charter for 2004 with a few helpful comments on tidying procedural information for next year. This includes information on the reporting cycle, consultation, cultural diversity, and requests for instruction in Te Reo. These could easily be included in next years plan where necessary.
We need to note that we will be spending more money on maths resources than we budgeted for. Previously we have always done the training in the first year and then upgraded the resources the following year. With maths we have had to purchase the gear up front hence the budget blowout.
I have organised for Dave Roderick to carry out my in class observation on June 25th.
I will be returning the favour next term.
I attended the Rural Principals conference in Queenstown. A great setting with some eye opening work shops. On Saturday I attended our ICT mini conference at Stratford Primary. Once again great workshops but also an opportunity to chat with people who are trying to extend smaller schools with ICT. This should lead to at least three solid developments in the school programme this term.
A good ending to last term with the kids enjoying some extended time with Mrs. Howatson. This term we will be starting with the Wellington trip next week. I have attached final plans for the BOT’s approval. I realise the Take Homes didn’t go out at the end of the term and currently I am aiming for the end of week three.
Upcoming Events.
April 30th Running records course, 3:30 Huiakama.
May 3rd – 6th School trip to Wellington.
May 10th Mike Whiteman to visit. Investigating interactive fiction.
11th Jones Cup practice at Marco.
May 17th Jones Cup at Toko.
18th Maths Course at Inglewood.
25th. Rachel Jeffares to visit and work on school homepage.
Richard Barnes
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
We haven't submitted much lately but the term is really flying along. Next week we are having the main summer sports at our school and the week after I am off to Queenstown for our national conference.
Yesterday we went to swimming sports.
I got one 1st and two 3rds.
The schools that were there were Huiakama, Makahu, Douglas, Marco.
We won the Kennedy Cup for swimming.
By Aaron
Yesterday we went to swimming sports.
I got one 1st and two 3rds.
The schools that were there were Huiakama, Makahu, Douglas, Marco.
We won the Kennedy Cup for swimming.
By Aaron
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Our Playground
Our tramp is cool for tricks.
The tarmac is warm.
The big tree is always green.
The grass is fun for scrag.
The backboard is crusty.
These are statements by Mason.
Our tramp is cool for tricks.
The tarmac is warm.
The big tree is always green.
The grass is fun for scrag.
The backboard is crusty.
These are statements by Mason.
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Our names are Dean and Thomas. We are from Huiakama school. We live on a farm.We are staying at a
friends place betwen two farms. We have a little sister called Janelle.
By Thomas and Dean
friends place betwen two farms. We have a little sister called Janelle.
By Thomas and Dean
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I woke up ......
Nothing New
Oh Neat!
by Alice
Nothing New
Oh Neat!
by Alice
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Dear Santa,
I would like a remote control car and a race track. I hope you are feeling all right. Thank you for all the good things. I love you.
From Cameron.
Dear Santa,
I would like a remote control car. Just a little one. Thank you.
From Alan.
I would like a remote control car and a race track. I hope you are feeling all right. Thank you for all the good things. I love you.
From Cameron.
Dear Santa,
I would like a remote control car. Just a little one. Thank you.
From Alan.
Dear Santa,
I would like a bell for on my bike. Some lollies would be nice.Thank you.
From Alice.
I would like a bell for on my bike. Some lollies would be nice.Thank you.
From Alice.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
TO Santa
I would like a toy 4 wheeler and some lollies.
What have been doing all this year haw old are you and when is your birthday.
From ALEX.
Dear Santa
I would like a playstation game, for x-mas and chocolates, some clothes (Rugby shirts,) a motor bike, some cars, good books, (Gary Paulsen books actually). Money ,(real) a gift voucher, (Wharehouse) pc games, CDs,
I would like a toy 4 wheeler and some lollies.
What have been doing all this year haw old are you and when is your birthday.
From ALEX.
Dear Santa
I would like a playstation game, for x-mas and chocolates, some clothes (Rugby shirts,) a motor bike, some cars, good books, (Gary Paulsen books actually). Money ,(real) a gift voucher, (Wharehouse) pc games, CDs,
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Dear Santa
Can I please have a yo-yo and some chocolates and some teddies.
From Victoria.
Dear Santa
I would like a little hot wheels car and a matchbox car.
From Aaron
Can I please have a yo-yo and some chocolates and some teddies.
From Victoria.
Dear Santa
I would like a little hot wheels car and a matchbox car.
From Aaron
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
For Xmas I would like some lollies, maybe some pens for next year, and if you make something better that I would like, that would be good.
See you end of the year.
By Adrian
See you end of the year.
By Adrian
Dear Santa
To Santa, for Christmas I would like...
The SIMS Vacation Island,
The SIMS Super Stars,
The SIMS Makin Magic,
Whale Rider – video,
Lord Of The Rings, The Fellowship Of The Ring – video,
My sister Kimberly would like a mouse for her Lap Top,
Hayley would like a Cell phone.
And here is an idea for New Zealand in four years time, - not that I’m glad England have it, but – the Webb Ellis Cup would be nice!!
Thank you Santa
Rachael Jupp
To Santa, for Christmas I would like...
The SIMS Vacation Island,
The SIMS Super Stars,
The SIMS Makin Magic,
Whale Rider – video,
Lord Of The Rings, The Fellowship Of The Ring – video,
My sister Kimberly would like a mouse for her Lap Top,
Hayley would like a Cell phone.
And here is an idea for New Zealand in four years time, - not that I’m glad England have it, but – the Webb Ellis Cup would be nice!!
Thank you Santa
Rachael Jupp
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Matau School Newsletter.
Thanks to Mike Terril for spraying the school farm for free. The children really enjoyed watching the helicopter.
Observatory Visit.
This will now be on Wednesday December 10th with the observatory visit beginning at 8:00pm. The basic plan is to finish at lunchtime, meet at our accommodation, have tea, go ten pin bowling, then to the observatory. Back to school by lunchtime the next day.
This is up and running at and all the newsletters and some of the children's writing can be viewed there. Next week we will publish "letters to Santa" which could be very useful. Our next step is to develop a full web page.
Hall Staging.
This has arrived and we set it up on Thursday. The children think it's neat as they are no longer scared of the stage moving around as they walk on it.
Pool Cover.
This has arrived and should be in operation from the weekend. We intend to set this up so that it is taken by the first swimmers and gets put back on at night. This should save a lot of wear and tear. The pool is open but it is a little cool at the moment.
EOY Concert.
The concert is on the evening of December 16th.
School will finish the following day and reopen on Monday January 26th.
Nov. 28th Last day of manual.
Dec. 2nd Summer sports at Huiakama
9th BOT meeting.
10th Observatory visit.
16th Concert.
17th End of term.
Thanks to Mike Terril for spraying the school farm for free. The children really enjoyed watching the helicopter.
Observatory Visit.
This will now be on Wednesday December 10th with the observatory visit beginning at 8:00pm. The basic plan is to finish at lunchtime, meet at our accommodation, have tea, go ten pin bowling, then to the observatory. Back to school by lunchtime the next day.
This is up and running at and all the newsletters and some of the children's writing can be viewed there. Next week we will publish "letters to Santa" which could be very useful. Our next step is to develop a full web page.
Hall Staging.
This has arrived and we set it up on Thursday. The children think it's neat as they are no longer scared of the stage moving around as they walk on it.
Pool Cover.
This has arrived and should be in operation from the weekend. We intend to set this up so that it is taken by the first swimmers and gets put back on at night. This should save a lot of wear and tear. The pool is open but it is a little cool at the moment.
EOY Concert.
The concert is on the evening of December 16th.
School will finish the following day and reopen on Monday January 26th.
Nov. 28th Last day of manual.
Dec. 2nd Summer sports at Huiakama
9th BOT meeting.
10th Observatory visit.
16th Concert.
17th End of term.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Observatory Trip
This will be on Wednesday December 10th at 8:00pm.
Hopefully the programme will be
Tea in New PLymouth
Ten Pin Bowling
Observatory visit.
This will be on Wednesday December 10th at 8:00pm.
Hopefully the programme will be
Tea in New PLymouth
Ten Pin Bowling
Observatory visit.
Thursday, November 13, 2003
I like playing with my train,with Rueben, connect 4 with Rachael, my bike, my cars, with Mason, with Duplo, with Mum in the bath, noughts and crossess with Alan, in the snow, in the swimming pool, in the mud, in the hayshed, and rugby.
By Cameron
By Cameron
I like playing with Cameron's train,my cars, my toys my bike my friends, with Aaron, with Alice and Aaron playing lego, on the play ground with the other kids, Beetle, in the hayshed, at the museum, and ten pin bowling.
By Alan
By Alan
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Play times and lunch times at Matau School.
We play hide and go seek. I like art so I draw.
The others play on the computer or on the tramp.
By Victoria .
We play on the tramp and we play hiding-go-seek. We play on the computer when the weather is bad. I like playing scrag. It is a game where there is two teams and they just ran around with a ball tackling each other.
By =Aaron
We play hide and go seek. I like art so I draw.
The others play on the computer or on the tramp.
By Victoria .
We play on the tramp and we play hiding-go-seek. We play on the computer when the weather is bad. I like playing scrag. It is a game where there is two teams and they just ran around with a ball tackling each other.
By =Aaron
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
I am Adrian from Matau School and next year I am going to Francis Douglas it is a boarding School.
I am not looking forward to boarding .I would rather stay at home .I am the oldest boy in our family and the second oldest child in our family I have 3 brothers and 2 sister .I am 13 we have lived in New Zealand for
4 and a half years .Before we were in Australia that is where I was born .Mum is from Switzerland and Dad is from England .I have never a computer until I come it Matau School or lived on a farm .It is a great experience.
I am not looking forward to boarding .I would rather stay at home .I am the oldest boy in our family and the second oldest child in our family I have 3 brothers and 2 sister .I am 13 we have lived in New Zealand for
4 and a half years .Before we were in Australia that is where I was born .Mum is from Switzerland and Dad is from England .I have never a computer until I come it Matau School or lived on a farm .It is a great experience.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
I think pets’ day was mildly boring but it was all right. I ran a stall called nail driving. All up I think it would have made about $13. There were other stalls like balls in the bucket, guess the lollies in the jar, and gumboot throwing. Then people in our school lead calves and lambs. I didn’t but I’m still going to get a calf and I’m going to raise it for 18 months. then we’ll have it for dinner mmm!! Roast Janelle for dinner. Oh I forgot to tell you that’s what I’m going to call my calf.
By Mason
By Mason
Thursday, October 30, 2003
I have got a lamb for Pets-DayMy lamb is called Gipsy-rose. She is a girl. She leads well and she comes well too. Gipsy-rose sleeps with Alan’s lamb Springfield. Tomorrow is Pets-Day and I hope Gipsy-rose and I can win the cup.
I have got a lamb for Pets-DayMy lamb is called Gipsy-rose. She is a girl. She leads well and she comes well too. Gipsy-rose sleeps with Alan’s lamb Springfield. Tomorrow is Pets-Day and I hope Gipsy-rose and I can win the cup.
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Rachael’s Story
My name is Rachael Jupp, I’m 13 years old and one of the two year 8s at Matau School.
I have lived in Matau my whole life, and now I’ve reached the end of Primary School.
I am kind of sad that I’m leaving at the end of this year, but I’m mostly looking forward to starting at New Plymouth Girls High, and the challenges that await me there.
I think that you have more freedom at Matau School, because of the size of it.
Like most rural schools you don’t wear a uniform, and make friends with everyone in the school.
Our school has been on a lot of school trips that others could only dream of doing. We have traveled from Bluff – to Cape Reinga. From taking our whole school and parents to Stewart Island, a trip of the South Island, Wellington, Northland, and we have even considered Australia and the Cook Islands.
Last year six of us seniors won a video competition, the prize, $1,000. So the six of us decided to take everyone to Rainbows End.
Our school has also won the 40 Hour Famine Shield, about four times in a row.
Our school has a lot of new equipment and playing gear too. A Crazy Catch, Portable Tennis Net, we recently dug our trampoline so it is level with the ground, and are now thinking about getting some more sports equipment as well.
So this is what it’s like to be in a sole charge school.
My name is Rachael Jupp, I’m 13 years old and one of the two year 8s at Matau School.
I have lived in Matau my whole life, and now I’ve reached the end of Primary School.
I am kind of sad that I’m leaving at the end of this year, but I’m mostly looking forward to starting at New Plymouth Girls High, and the challenges that await me there.
I think that you have more freedom at Matau School, because of the size of it.
Like most rural schools you don’t wear a uniform, and make friends with everyone in the school.
Our school has been on a lot of school trips that others could only dream of doing. We have traveled from Bluff – to Cape Reinga. From taking our whole school and parents to Stewart Island, a trip of the South Island, Wellington, Northland, and we have even considered Australia and the Cook Islands.
Last year six of us seniors won a video competition, the prize, $1,000. So the six of us decided to take everyone to Rainbows End.
Our school has also won the 40 Hour Famine Shield, about four times in a row.
Our school has a lot of new equipment and playing gear too. A Crazy Catch, Portable Tennis Net, we recently dug our trampoline so it is level with the ground, and are now thinking about getting some more sports equipment as well.
So this is what it’s like to be in a sole charge school.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Museum Visit Friday 24th. October.
10:30 Meet outside main entrance to Museum.
Check out childrens section Discovery World.
There may be time for morning tea after this.
Children check out behind the scenes.
Finish at approx. lunchtime. Mums to decide on where we have lunch.
After lunch we will go ten-pin bowling.
10:30 Meet outside main entrance to Museum.
Check out childrens section Discovery World.
There may be time for morning tea after this.
Children check out behind the scenes.
Finish at approx. lunchtime. Mums to decide on where we have lunch.
After lunch we will go ten-pin bowling.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Term Four Timetable
24th Museum Visit
25th Potato Cup (planting)
27th Labour Day
30th Pets Day
7th Guy Fawkes party at Jacks
11th BOT Meeting
2nd. Summer Sportsday at Huiakama
16th End of year concert.
17th End of term four.
24th Museum Visit
25th Potato Cup (planting)
27th Labour Day
30th Pets Day
7th Guy Fawkes party at Jacks
11th BOT Meeting
2nd. Summer Sportsday at Huiakama
16th End of year concert.
17th End of term four.
Matau School is a very small sole-charge school located in the eastern district hill country of Taranaki, New Zealand.
The area is mainly sheep,cattle and deer farming with the gradual conversion of many areas into pine forests.
I have been teaching here for seven years and enjoy the experience of being the sole teacher. The administration can be a bit of a drag but the teaching is always fun. We have started a web log because I think it suits our needs better than a conventional web site. We intend to post our school newsletters and some of the childrens work and this seems to be the best way to do this.
Hopefully ths page will have a lot more of the kids' thoughts than mine.
The area is mainly sheep,cattle and deer farming with the gradual conversion of many areas into pine forests.
I have been teaching here for seven years and enjoy the experience of being the sole teacher. The administration can be a bit of a drag but the teaching is always fun. We have started a web log because I think it suits our needs better than a conventional web site. We intend to post our school newsletters and some of the childrens work and this seems to be the best way to do this.
Hopefully ths page will have a lot more of the kids' thoughts than mine.